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Matha Vias
Sep 24, 2023

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To Isaiah, God dwelt in the midst of a people in its corporate capacity; St. Peter knew that, through the Incarnation, each individual Christian has God in him, united with him. The reading of the best and oldest manuscripts here is ?????? ?? ??? ??????? , "Sanctify the Lord Christ," or, "Sanctify the Christ as Lord. Whichever translation is adopted, St. Peter here substitutes the Savior's Name where the prophet wrote, "the Lord of hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth" - a change which would be nothing less than impious if the Lord Jesus Christ were not truly God. Peter adds the words, "in your hearts," to teach us that this reverence, this hallowing of the Name of God, must be inward and spiritual, in our inmost being. And be ready always to give an answer to every man ; literally, ready always for an apology to every man. 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  • Saniya Thakre
    Saniya Thakre
  • Misty Yadav
    Misty Yadav
  • Mansi Kothari
    Mansi Kothari
  • Rocky Sharma
    Rocky Sharma
  • Arya Bhatnagar
    Arya Bhatnagar


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